SUN 4/2
9 & 11 AM
Palm Sunday
Beginning with Jesus’ triumphal procession into Jerusalem, we remember Jesus’ Passion and death on the cross.
Jazz Trio – 9 AM Organ and Choir – 11 AM
12 & 7 PM
Maundy Thursday
We begin the Great Service of the Three-days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. On this day we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples and his command to love one another. The service will include the opportunity for individual absolution and Holy Communion, and in the evening, conclude with the stripping of the altar.
FRI 4/7
12 & 7 PM
The Great Three Days continue as Jesus reveals the power and glory of God even as he is put on trial and sentenced to death. The choir will offer a musical response to the key points from the passion account according to Stl John as the room gradually darkens, awaiting the sunrise of Easter morning.
The Seven Last Words from the cross – 12 Noon Neighborhood Stations of the Cross – 1:30 PM Choral Tenebrae – 7 PM
SAT 4/8
10 AM & 7 PM
Holy Saturday
Center your family in faith this Easter season. We will hold our Family Vigil Worship Service and an outdoor Easter Activity including an egg hunt, a petting zoo, and more. Then, in the evening, the Great Three Days come to a conclusion as we gather around fire, word, water bread and wine to celebrate the good news: Christ is risen indeed!
Children and Family Vigil and Activities – 10-12:30 AM
Easter Vigil – 7 PM
SUN 4/9
7, 8:30, 10 & 11:30 AM
Easter Sunday
Jazz Trio – 10 AM
Organ, Choir & Brass –
7, 8:30, 11:30 AM
Breakfast served
7:30 – 11:30am
Zittrouer Hall (downstairs)

We’re studying “Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week” by Amy-Jill Levine each week of at various small group locations to examine what it means to “Risk the Cross.”

You are invited to walk Redeemer’s Santa Rosa Labyrinth this Lent. The Labyrinth will be set up every Wednesday throughout the season of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, Feb 22, through April 5. Open hours for walking the Labyrinth are from 10:30 am-12:30 pm and 6:00 pm-8:00 pm.
Places of the Passion
Each Wednesday, 7 PM
In-person and Online
Each Wednesday evening in Lent, join us for Places of the Passion. This special midweek worship series will follow in the footsteps of our Savior, contemplating the places where Jesus stood on his path to salvation. Pastor Larson will bring the message each week, including his personal reflections on meaning, history and spiritual inspiration associated with each location he visited on his recent trip to the Holy Land.
March 1: The City of Jerusalem
March 8: The Mount of Olives
March 15: Gethsemane
March 22: The Courtyard
March 29: Pilate’s Judgment Hall
Click here to WORSHIP LIVE ONLINE with us for every service
Unable to worship with us live? Catch up on past worship services or (watch again) here.

We encourage you to share your prayer requests of concern and thanksgiving with the Redeemer community via our interactive Prayer Wall. Submit your requests and/or join in prayer for the needs of one another.
German Church Atlanta
Redeemer is also host to the German Church Atlanta. The German Church is an ecumenical Christian Church community that shares the German language, music and culture and is open to all who wish to participate.
We heartily invite you to our online worship service in German (with English translation) every Sunday at 11:00 am. Easter Sunday worship is also at 11:00 am.