Celebrate Your Wedding at Redeemer
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer shares your joy as you plan for your wedding day and your future life together. A wedding service at Redeemer must be understood as a service of worship. Thus, our policies are set forth in order that each wedding performed at Redeemer be conducted in accordance with our theology and reflect the Church’s understanding of Christian marriage.
Our pastors, staff, and Wedding Guild members are ready to assist you. We want to help make your wedding what you want it to be. Many of your questions can be answered below. If you have any other questions or want more information, please email: weddings@redeemer.org
It is our wish that this most important day be a joyful occasion for all and that your wedding commitment will last a lifetime.
Who is eligible to be married in the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer?
- Members of this congregation, their immediate families, and members of other Lutheran churches
- Persons preparing for membership in Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
- Non-Lutheran Christians who are being married by a Redeemer pastor
How do we reserve Redeemer for our wedding ceremony?
We do not book more than 12 months in advance. No weddings are scheduled during Holy Week. For information on availability, email: weddings@redeemer.org. You must contact your choice of pastors before the date can be established on the calendar and premarital counseling can be scheduled. Your wedding packet contains a Reservation form. Your date cannot be confirmed on Redeemer’s wedding calendar until the office receives this form and your 50% non-refundable deposit. Your requested date may be held as tentative for two weeks to allow the return of the form and deposit.
Can my pastor from another church participate in the wedding service?
The presiding pastor at Redeemer weddings must be an ordained Lutheran pastor, but pastors from other denominations are welcome to participate.
What are the fees associated with a wedding at Redeemer?
The facilities fee below includes the Facilities Manager’s fees (for set-up and cleaning), candles, audio recording, and four hours of security coverage in the parking lot. The organist’s fee and pastor’s honorarium are not included but must be paid four weeks prior to the wedding.
Fees: Members
Facilities fee for members (more than 9 months at time of wedding) | $500.00 |
Facilities fee for members (less than 9 months at time of wedding) | $700.00 |
Facilities fee for members of other Lutheran Churches | $900.00 |
Facilities fee for use of upstairs Good Shepherd Chapel | $150.00 |
Additional fee for reception space (members only-based on availability) | $200.00 |
Pastor’s Honorarium | $250.00 |
Fees: Non-Members
Nave (seating 400) | $2,000.00 |
Chapel (seating 40) | $500.00 |
Premarital Counseling | $635.00 |
Pastor’s Honorarium | $250.00 |
Is there a requirement for pre-wedding counseling?
Pre-wedding counseling is required to wed at Redeemer. Couples who are being married by a pastor on our staff will have the benefit of receiving this service from their pastor and a licensed professional counselor. The process begins with a personal meeting with the pastor who will preside at their wedding. Couples will attend the premarital program which includes a weekend workshop, followed by private sessions for couple feedback. Registration information will be shared once the wedding date and pastor have been scheduled. We utilize the Prepare-Enrich program that is customized to identify strengths, growth areas, and skill-building exercises to help couples develop a deeper understanding of one another. A few topics that we will explore include communication, intimacy, marriage roles and expectations, and couple/family maps. Couples will have completed their requirements for marriage preparation once they attend the workshop and follow up with a counselor for a minimum of two private sessions. This will average between four to six hours (determined by the number of workshop participants). After the marriage counseling is completed, a final meeting is held with the presiding pastor to finalize the details of the marriage service.
Couples being married by clergy not on our staff are highly encouraged to utilize this program. If they choose to use their own pastor, they must complete at least six hours of premarital counseling and provide a letter of completion to Redeemer’s Senior Pastor, Pastor Mark Larson, mlarson@redeemer.org
What about music?
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is well known for its high musical standards and performance excellence. Our organist, Sarah Hawbecker, will be happy to assist you in making your musical decisions. A schedule of fees for her services is listed below. Should you prefer not to use her services, a $150 consultation fee will be assessed. No recorded music is permitted.
Redeemer’s Organist/Musicians
Wedding Service | $275.00 |
Wedding Service and organ accompaniment for one vocalist and/or instrumentalist | $325.00 |
Wedding Service and organ accompaniment for two vocalists and/or instrumentalists | $375.00 – (Each additional vocalist and/or instrumentalist is $50.00) |
Consultation fee (if not using Redeemer’s organist) | $150.00 |
Note: Fees for the vocalist or instrumentalist should be arranged with the individuals involved. Payments for guest vocalists or instrumentalists are customarily presented to the individuals at the time of the service. The above fees are for Redeemer’s organist only and are payable four weeks prior to the wedding date. You may pay the organist directly.
How do I request a Wedding Guide?
You may request a Wedding Guide by emailing weddings@redeemer.org