Funerals at Redeemer
When one of our sisters or brothers dies, the Church shares in the grief of those who mourn. A funeral liturgy allows those who mourn to give voice to their sorrow, thank God for their loved one and commend them into the mercy of God. Together as the church, we participate in the remembrance of God’s saving activity which claimed us in baptism.
For some, it is a comfort knowing that certain details of the funeral or memorial service have been chosen in advance. Still others prefer to have a pastor and loved ones make the plans at the time of death. This worksheet gives you the opportunity to make some choices now. If you are not certain about something, you can leave some options blank. The document also provides you the opportunity to communicate your desired memorial gift recipients. Should you have included a bequest to Redeemer in your will, you may note that on the form. Please return your completed worksheet to the church office and it will remain on file. Of course, you may update it at any time.
Included in this worksheet are suggested scripture readings and hymns. Completing this document provides a wonderful opportunity to share your faith in God with your loved ones. “I like this hymn because” is a great way to begin the conversation.
Remember it is a good idea to keep the church phone number and emergency phone number with you. When death is imminent or has occurred, your family should contact the church office (404-874-8664) to alert the pastoral staff. The staff will make every effort to have someone be with you or if you have passed, to be with your family. If it is after church office hours, call the main church phone number above and follow the prompts to reach the on-call pastor. Leave a message, your name, and phone number and a pastor will return your call.
Redeemer Columbarium
A Columbarium is a space with niches for funeral urns to be stored. Redeemer’s Columbarium is located in the peaceful garden between Sims Atrium and the Sanctuary.
In earlier Christian times, the preferred burial space was within the church itself, where the faithful gathered to celebrate a liturgy or for a prayer service. When space within the church was no longer available, the churchyard cemetery developed. Only in recent times have burial grounds, far removed from centers of life and prayer, been used. Both in ancient and Christian times, the dual tradition of burial and cremation was preserved. More recently, consideration of the spiritual and practical aspects of cremation and internment within the church itself has led to a revival of this tradition.
Redeemer has had a Columbarium for almost a quarter of a century. On October 15, 1996, the Congregation Council approved a plan to establish a Columbarium Ministry at Redeemer All Redeemer members in good standing and their immediate families are eligible. The Columbarium is open anytime the Church is open.
If you have an interest in purchasing a niche(s), please contact Brandon Davis at bdavis@redeemer.org. Each niche costs $1,100, $250 of which is a tax-deductible charitable contribution.