Directions & Parking

How to Find Us

Redeemer is located at 731 Peachtree Street, NE, in Atlanta, GA, between 3rd and 4th Streets. We are one block north of the Fox Theatre on the opposite side of Peachtree Street.


Access plentiful parking across three lots next to the church that are safe and easy to access at no cost to our visitors and members.

    • 3rd Street Deck – Sundays and Special Events in the lot behind the Honeywell Building.  Scroll down for instructions for parking in this lot.
    • 4th Street Lot (across from Redeemer) – Worship Services and Special Events.  Please note that this is a paid lot during the week. On Sunday mornings, the lot is free for those attending worship.  This lot reverts to a paid lot at 4 PM on Sunday afternoons.
    • Main Church Lot (behind Redeemer) – Daily during Church Hours, Services and Events. Designated parking is available for mobility-challenged visitors and members. There is also easy passenger drop-off at our two rear entrances. (Access to this lot is via 4th Street behind the Church building.)
    • Off-Street Parking – Paid parking controlled by the City of Atlanta is available on Peachtree Street.
    • Redeemer can also be reached via the MARTA rail system. Take a northbound or southbound train to the N3 station at North Avenue. Exit the station at the north end (following signs to the Fox Theatre). Turn right on 3rd Street, then go up the hill one block toward Peachtree Street. Make a left and you’ll see Redeemer on the right.

Accessing and Using the 3rd Street Deck:

      • Enter the parking deck on 3rd Street, which is between Juniper and Peachtree Street.
      • When you ENTER, you will have to take a ticket – but there’s no charge.  Bring your ticket with you into the Church and get a validation sticker from the Welcome Desk or Reception Desk. Stick it in the middle of the your parking ticket.
      • There is a pedestrian gate between the parking deck and the rear parking lot of Redeemer that will be open for Redeemer events.  However, you must be able to climb stairs in order to reach Redeemer’s rear parking lot from the parking deck. If you or anyone in your group cannot climb stairs, please park in one of our main lots with access off 4th Street.

Redeemer staff field weekly inquiries from members and non-members about parking at Redeemer for non-church purposes. As a rule, you will not be granted permission to do this. Parking would be completely at your own risk.  Further, we strongly discourage overnight parking anytime as we cannot guarantee the security of your car.

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