Budget Update, Upcoming Temple Talk and Listening Posts July/August 2023
Thank you Redeemer! We gathered together with over 100 members on August 6th to share and discuss two conceptual design options. Your thoughtful questions and comments were wonderful input for our Management Team and consultants to consider. The August 6th presentation reviews the process and illustrates the two design options from different street views and floor levels. For those unable to join us, please take this opportunity to review the options and ask Management Team or Council members any questions you may have. This is our collective vision for Redeemer and we want all voices heard.
We continue to work toward the final phase of our campus master plan, Congregational Review and Action, and look forward to additional congregation input at a Temple Talk and Listening Post on Sunday, September 17th as we share the culmination of our hopes and dreams for Redeemer. With your input, we will create and celebrate a final report of the Facilities Master Plan for Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.
As we continue to refine our Vision and plans, we also continue to refine and adjust our projected budget as well. Please see the latest version – as of July 2023. Bring your questions about the budget and the Conceptual Presentation to our Temple Talk on Sept 17th. And thank you for your interest, your support, and your input on this pivotal process regarding the future of Redeemer in Atlanta!
God’s Peace,
Janet Preston & Jay Puckhaber
Co-Chairs, Facilities Master Planning Management Team