My 2021 Pledge: There's Still Time!
Bring the Christmas Spirit to Those In Need

Wellspring Living Angel List
For the 9th year, Redeemer members have the opportunity to shop for the girls of Wellspring Living – children (ages 12 – 17) who have been sexually trafficked and who are on a path of restoration. This year, we will purchase e-gift cards from Amazon.
How to Give an e-Gift Card on Amazon:
1. Select the “gift cards” tab and then the “e-gift” option
2. Enter the details of your gift card and the dollar amount (any amount is greatly appreciated!!)
3. Select “email” for delivery and enter as the recipient in the “To” section
4. Select “now” as the delivery date and follow the instructions for payment
Make sure that your name is in the “From” section and enter Redeemer Lutheran in the message box
Questions about Wellspring Living? Contact Redeeming G.R.A.C.E. at or 404-550-3314.

Goshen Valley Gift Drive
The entire drive is online, and you can purchase items as gifts via Amazon. Note that there are two lists- one for the ranch and one for Goshen Homes. They both benefit foster kids under the care of Goshen Valley. When you make a purchase from a list, the items will be shipped directly to Goshen Valley. Make your purchases here.

Inspiritus Hope Tree
If you are able, please support this year’s Hope Tree program by signing up to purchase a $25 gift card(s) and mailing them to Inspiritus P.O. Box 7829 Atlanta, GA 30357 by DECEMBER 16th. You may also choose to purchase a coat. Sign-up for both gift card and coat donations here. There you will also see instructions for coat drop offs.
If you have questions, please reach out to Sarah Burke, Community Engagement Coordinator., 706-992-2421
Or Give As Your Heart is Moved During Advent
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If you’ve given to Redeemer in the past using our legacy platform and wish to continue doing so, use the button below to begin.
My 2021 Pledge
Throughout the Fall, we are asking for your pledge of commitment for 2021 to help us continue to Cultivate Community for our congregation and community at large – especially for those who depend on us for so much.
4 Ways to Pledge

Complete and mail the 2021 Estimate of Giving card to Redeemer from the stewardship packet you received in the mail.
Send an email to Jennifer Isaacson at with your pledge amount by the week, month, or for the year.
If you have created a Realm account and have downloaded the Realm Connect app to your smartphone, you easily can enter your pledge via the Realm Connect app. Once logged in the app, select Giving at the bottom of the screen. When that opens, select Pledges from the top of the phone screen. Then select Make a Pledge.
Haven’t logged in to Realm yet? Email Robin Durdin at to receive an invite to your personal page. Once you’ve established a Realm log in, then you download the Realm Connect App to your smartphone.
Sign in to the Member Portal (Realm) using the button below. You can pledge right from your personal giving page. Once you are signed in, click on Giving on the left-hand side of the computer screen. On the Giving Page, look for the grey Pledge box located toward the top of the screen directly under word Giving.
Haven’t logged in to Realm yet? Email Robin Durdin at to receive an invite to your personal page.