9th-12th Grade
Our High School Students meet for High School Faith Formation meet every Sunday at 9:45 AM in the Youth Lounge. We use the Faith Lens curriculum. Since our youth are scattered around the Metro-Atlanta area, we spend a lot of our time catching up with one another and going over the Gospel Lesson for the day.

Our High School students do different activities throughout the year. We enjoy spending time together as well as creating new memories. We enjoy getting lunch at Five Guys, doing mini-golf, corn maze, and lots more!
Coming Up for High School Youth…
-August 27: End-of-Summer Youth Soiree
-September 10: HS Faith Formation Begins!
-September 16: MS & HS Youth Service Project @ FODAC
-September 17: HS Faith Formation
-September 24: HS Faith Formation & HS Youth Group