Adult Learning
Growing Faithfully

Adult Sunday School Classes
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer offers several adult classes during the Sunday School hour that include:
- The Seekers | Reception Room | led by David Ott
- Past topics for this class have included: Anglican and Episcopa history and theology, Methodist history and theology, Baptist history and theology, John Calvin and the Reformed, Presbyterian history, Easter Orthodox history and theology, Redeemer history and symbolism in the sanctuary and many more over the years.
- Be Still and Journey | Room 119 | facilitated by Pat Cornwell
- A Bible study open to women of all ages. The intergenerational connections are so important and make for a richer experience.
- Middle School Parents | tbd | led by Christi Barr
- A class for parents to meet and discuss what their children are learning in Confirmation Class and the joys and challenges of being a parent of a middle schooler.
- Mysteries of Faith | Room 211| Led by Peter Quist
- How do we reconcile contemporary thinking and current theological teachings with traditional Christian beliefs?
- The Seekers | Reception Room | led by David Ott
Other opportunities to meet and learn throughout the week:
- Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study | Reception Room | 7:30 a.m.
- Year-round study of the books of the Old & New Testament are led by pastors and experienced lay teachers. A light breakfast is available from 6:45 am with time for fellowship and prayer.
- Wednesday Nights
- Early Bird Bible Study with David Ott | Reception Room | 4:00 p.m.
Pastor’s Class | Rudisill Hall | 6:00 pm – 7:00 p.m.
Beyond Words | Library | 6:00 pm
- Early Bird Bible Study with David Ott | Reception Room | 4:00 p.m.
- Special Opportunities:
- Topical Sunday School classes or classes inspired by current events,
- Special interest classes from financial management to parenting
- Inquirers’ Classes (New Member classes) taught regularly by our pastors to introduce seekers and prospective members to the Lutheran faith and to Redeemer in particular.
- Guest speakers