Adult Learning
Adult Sunday School Classes meet from 10:00 - 10:45 am.
Classes will be offered in a hybrid format so that you can attend if you are physically present for worship or via Zoom if you are worshipping remotely.
Face coverings are currently required inside Redeemer regardless of vaccination status.
Be Still and Journey
This women’s group led by Pat Cornwell involves the discussion of a selected book. The group meets at 9:30 am for optional fellowship before beginning class discussion at 10:00 am.
Liberation Thought Bible Study
A weekly discussion facilitated by Pastor Ron in which participants walk together through books discussing the church, justice, and liberation.
G.I.F.T. Class
The G.I.F.T. class in on hiatus until Lent.
Coming Soon!
Keystone Ministry Wellness Series: "Spiritual Formation in the Second Half of Life"
The second half of life presents some of life’s richest spiritual, theological and ethical challenges.
Pastor Jenny leads this three-week series during the Sunday School hour on February 6, 13 and 20.
We’ll explore the question: “How will we live generatively into the rest of our lives?”
This hybrid class will meet in person in room 121 and online at the link below.
Youth Parent Classes
- Middle School Parents Class: Sundays at 10:00 am
- A class for parents to meet and discuss what their children are learning in Confirmation Class and to share the joys and challenges of being a parent of a middle schooler.
- High School Parents Gathering: First Sunday of each month at 10 am
- An opportunity for parents of our high school youth to gather for fellowship and discussion.
- Middle School Parents Class: Sundays at 10:00 am
Other opportunities to meet and learn throughout the week include:
Monday Nights
“Bible and Brew” for Young Adults with Pastor Jenny | Zoom | 2nd & 4th Mondays | 8:00 pm. (Beginning September 13th)
Tuesday Morning Bible Study | Rudisill Hall & Zoom | 7:30 am.
Book Study with Pastor Jonathan | Zoom | 5:00 pm. (Beginning September 14th)
Wednesday Nights
Early Birds Bible Study with David Ott | Zoom | 4:00 pm
Pastor’s Class | Zoom | 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Thursday Nights
Addressing Social Blindspots & Stereotypes in the Building of Community with Pastor Ron | Zoom | | 6:00 pm. (Beginning September 16th)
Saturday Mornings
ADLA Film and Book Discussion with Pastor Ron | Zoom | 4th Saturdays | 10:00-12:00 pm. (Beginning October 23rd)
Special Opportunities:
- Topical Sunday School classes or classes inspired by current events
- New Member classes taught regularly by our pastors to introduce seekers and prospective members to Lutheran theology generally and to Redeemer in particular