Redeemer COVID-19 Updates
As we are able to begin returning to limited-capacity in-person worship in the sanctuary each Sunday at 9 am and 11 am, the following information will help you decide whether you are comfortable returning and what to expect when you arrive on Sunday morning.
Additional information is available in the tabs below for more information on Protocol Updates, FAQs, and further information from our COVID-19 Task Force

If during the 48 hours prior to worship you have been feeling ill or believe you might have been exposed to COVID 19 in the past 14 days, please reschedule your in-person attendance.
Bring a small glass or cup for communion for each person or family. We will have extras in case anyone forgets and leaves theirs at home. Bringing your own will be safer and will help clean up and eliminate waste.
Also, remember to bring your face covering! They are required for everyone over two-years-old. The exception to this is the first and third Sundays in July and August, (July 4 & 18; August 1 & 15) which are “Mask Optional” for those fully vaccinated.

Parking spaces in the lot immediately behind the church building will be reserved for anyone with physical challenges.
All others are invited to park in the 4th Street lot or the parking deck.
The 4th Street lot is now a paid lot (but free for Redeemer members/visitors). You do NOT need a ticket to park on Sunday morning. One of our safety staff will be present in the 4th Street lot in case you have any questions.
The parking garage will be open for free church parking on Sunday mornings. Please take a ticket when you enter the garage AND bring it with you. Our safety staff will be distributing the special stickers you will need to affix to your parking ticket in order to exit the lot after worship without paying the parking free.

Please enter through the office/library door to check in where a face-covering is provided if needed. You will be directed to the narthex to enter the sanctuary. Except for specific “Mask Optional” services, an usher will direct you to a pew prepared for a group of your size, where you will find your bulletin already placed on the pew.
Offerings can be placed in the plate as you enter. Plus, you can always give online.
Please continue to use the Prayer Request form at the bottom of the Online Worship page or our Prayer Wall for any prayer requests that you may have.

Except for Mask Optional services, we will continue to wear face coverings at all times while engaged in worship-related activities.
You are encouraged to participate fully (kneel, stand, speak responses, etc.). Our music will be led either by our organist and a fully vaccinated choir or by our jazz trio, who will be physically distanced from the congregation.
Fully vaccinated congregants in the sanctuary may sing while masked. Those who are not yet vaccinated should “sing in spirit” but are encouraged to participate in spoken, responsive reading.

In order to distribute communion safely and to allow those Livestreaming the service to participate via Zoom, communion will take place following the postlude at the end of the service.
Following the postlude, you will be directed through the parlor door (via the sanctuary door by the baptismal font at the front and right of the chancel) and proceed to the Sims Atrium.
Please remain in your family group, distanced appropriately, and walk to the communion area.
Once everyone has arrived, you will receive instructions on the distribution of communion. If you forgot to bring a cup, one will be provided for you.
Current COVID-19 Protocols at Redeemer
Phased Reopening of Church Activities
In order to ensure the health and safety of our community, Redeemer’s building remains presumptively closed during the week except for essential functions such as worship preparation, facilities maintenance, the Midtown Lutheran Preschool, and the Lutheran Community Food Ministry.
We are now welcoming groups to return for study, service, and fellowship. Rooms may be reserved using the online room reservation form or by contacting Seth by email, We strongly encourage all in-person groups to consider a “hybrid” option so that those not comfortable returning in person can participate as well. A staff member can assist in this. Rooms will be assigned according to size and technological needs.
Groups that are fully vaccinated may remove their face coverings once inside their meeting rooms. Everyone should remain masked if not everyone is fully vaccinated. Please wear a face covering when moving through public spaces.
*Fully vaccinated means a person has received both shots of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine AND two weeks have passed since the date of the final, required shot.
What are the new service times and formats?
Our 9am service features the music of our jazz trio and the 11am service features the Redeemer choir and organ.
Can I just show up Sunday morning for worship?
Not at this time. In order to preserve social distancing, we are limiting sanctuary attendance by requiring everyone to RSVP for the 9am and 11am Sunday services. Just select the appropriate service you wish to attend from our Event Calendar under THIS WEEK here on and complete the RSVP information.
How does the online RSVP work?
Find the service you wish to attend on our Event Calendar from THIS WEEK at the top of the page, from This Week at Redeemer under the LATEST menu. Select YES under RSVP NOW, enter your contact info, the number of attendees in your party, and the names of all attendees. Then SUBMIT. If the service is full, you can still RSVP and be placed on the waiting list.
How will the waiting list work?
Our waiting list matches the number of openings to the size of your party/group on the RSVP. Once spots become available, you will be notified via email with a message that you have RSVP’d YES.
Can I call in to RSVP instead of using the web site?
Yes. Reach us at 404.874.8664 and let the person answering know that you’d like to RSVP for an upcoming worship service. They will take your contact info, number in your party, and their names.
Do I have to be vaccinated to worship in person?
No, you do not. However, if you are not vaccinated, you must continute to wear a face covering if you wish to attend a worship service in person.
Where does "We will continue to wear face coverings at all times while on the property apply?
This applies to all areas on the Redeemer property where worship activities are taking place – indoors and outdoors.
The exception to this will be on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in July and August during “Mask Optional” worship at the 11 AM service only. Everyone should wear their masks when traveling through public spaces, but fully vaccinated congregants may remove their masks once inside the sanctuary.
Do children have to wear face coverings? What ages?
All children and youth over the age of two years will be required to wear masks during worship activities at Redeemer. The CDC does not recommend masks be worn by infants under the age of two.
How will Holy Communion work?
We will gather in Sims Atrium following the postlude to distribute and participate in communion to preserve proper distancing. Those worshipping online will be invited to join one of our pastors for Holy Communion via Zoom immediately following worship. The Zoom link can be found in the bulletin or underneath the Livestream viewer on the online worship page.
Will I be able to use the restrooms while at Redeemer?
Yes. Restrooms will be sanitized before each worship service.
Will hand sanitizer be available?
Yes. Hand sanitizer will be available in restrooms, inside entrances, and in other key locations.
Where will I be able to go or not go?
Currently only Sims Atrium, the Sanctuary, and select classrooms will be open and marked for in-person attendance.
Will Sunday School, Adult Classes, or Youth Lounge be open or held?
Not at this moment – but there are several opportunities to participate in online classes and activities for youth and learning.
Will the nursery be open?
No, not at this time.
Can I check out books at the library?
No, not at this time.
COVID-19 Task Force
Redeemer’s COVID-19 Task Force was formed in Spring 2020 and is made up of representatives from Redeemer’s clergy, staff, and members of the congregation. Together they have painstakingly reviewed the latest guidance from public health and medical experts, the ELCA and our Southeastern Synod, and the best practices put in place by comparably sized churches, businesses and civic organizations.
Redeemer COVID-19 Task Force Protocols:
- Lutheran Community Food Ministry Guidelines for Volunteering During Covid-19, effective 02/05/21. Click Here.
- Contact Tracing and Notification Procedures, effective 12/21/2020. Click Here.
- Building and Worship Protocols for Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, effective 10/22/2020. Click Here.
Southeastern Synod ELCA COVID-19 Response:
- Southeastern Synod ELCA Covid-19 Response. Click Here.
Other Helpful Resources:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 website. Click Here.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Facts for the Black Community (video). Click Here.
Everyone entering the building at Redeemer (for purposes other than worship attendance) MUST first check-in online by answering the applicable questionnaire found below.
Each time a vendor, member or LCFM volunteer comes to Redeemer for any reason, he or she must complete this questionnaire before entering the building.
Each time a staff member comes to Redeemer for any reason, he or she must complete this questionnaire before entering the building.