Help Our Youth Raise Funds For Puerto Rico

Redeemer’s High School Youth will participate in attending their High School Mission Trip to Arecibo, Puerto Rico in June 2023.
Theme: “You Are Here”
Homework. Jobs. Notifications. Practices. Family. Friends. Entertainment. The Future. The Past. Thoughts, hopes, worries.
Everything wants your attention!
Even when life is filled with good things, it can feel overwhelming. Maybe you even find yourself rushing through life, consumed by busyness and countless options, not having the space to truly see what God is inviting you into.
But remember, when you’re on a journey, it helps to get your bearings – to find that spot on a map that tells you, “You Are Here.” In the Bible, we see that’s true for us too. As we learn to slow down and look to Jesus, we get a clearer focus for our lives.
You Are Here.
You are here to love the Lord your God and to love your neighbor. You are here to share what you have and who you are. And you are here to unite together as we discover how to live like Jesus.

Meet our 2023 High School Mission Trip Attendees:
Jonathan Barr
Julian Carlson
Daniel Isaacson
Hollyn Kershner
Weston Kershner
Alec Kraby
Finley Love
Megan McCloskey
Fiona Peterson
Jacob Pinyon
Sam Pinyon
Claire Quinn
Hillary Nelson, Adult Leader
Paul Isaacson, Adult Leader
Our reasonings for attending this trip to Puerto Rico:

Here’s how to support:
- Stop by our table in Sims Atrium from Sunday, March 5 to Sunday, April 9. Pick out an envelope and an amount. We take Credit Card, cash, or check.
- Use this form to support online with Credit Card only:
Make sure checks are to Redeemer for “Puerto Rico Youth Trip.”
Thanks for supporting our youth!