No matter the outcome, Lutheran Community Food Ministry will be the BIG winner!

Redeemer Youth are teaming up with the Lutheran Community Food Ministry to raise funds as part of the annual Souper Bowl of Caring. This event will be happening in Sims Atrium for the first time in-person since February 2020 on Sunday, February 12.
Here is how to participate with this event:
- Purchase items from LCFM’s Amazon Wish List that are used in weekly meals. Items purchased from the Wish List will be shipped directly from Redeemer. You also purchase and donate new sweatpants in the following sizes: M, L, XL, and XXL.
- You can bring the new items from the Amazon Wish List and/or the new sweatpants from Sunday, February 5 to 12.
- Donate money online via Redeemer Giving.
- Donate money in-person on Sunday, February 12. Come stop by the Youth Table in Sims Atrium or look for the youth carrying buckets around Sims Atrium.

To cheer for Kansas City to win, purchase fruit items from the Amazon Wish List like fruit cups or applesauce.

To cheer for Philadelphia to win, purchase salty items from the Amazon Wish List like snack crackers or chips.
Picture from "Souper" Bowl of Caring 2022!

Q. What if I would prefer to purchase items from a different retailer?
A. That’s fine. You are welcome to buy similar items from another online retailer and have them shipped directly to Redeemer.
Q. What if I would rather donate money to the LCFM directly?
A. You can always give to the LCFM by placing a check in the offering plate with “LCFM” written in the memo line or mailing in a check. You can also make an online gift at any time.