Children & Family Ministry
The Children & Family Ministry at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer grows faith and builds community. At baptism, parents, sponsors, and the congregation promise to support and nurture the faith of our children. The Children’s Ministry at Redeemer partners with families to fulfill these baptismal promises by providing programs and events to support children in their faith development. Children are valued and respected members of our faith community and contribute through service, leadership, and fellowship.
All our programs build faith through one or more of these methods:
- Worship
- Study
- Service
- Fellowship
We do this through Sunday School, Faith Stepping Stones, and Family Events throughout the year.
For the latest information, please subscribe to our email list.
Family Camping 2024

About Family Events
Faith formation is most powerful when we grow together. CFM events are targeted toward kids 5th grade and under with their families, and provide opportunities for the whole family to learn, worship, pray, serve, and build community together. (Older siblings are encouraged to come along and can always ask for a leadership role. These events are also great opportunities for grandparents and Godparents to have quality time and support the faith formation of the children they love.)
Some of our favorite regular events are Monster Mash, Family Advent Celebration, Family Retreat, Family Easter Vigil and Egg Hunt, and many more!
To learn more about Children and Family Ministries and Family events at Redeemer, please contact Deacon Mary Houck.
To get all the latest updates about these programs please subscribe to our mailing list.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) engages kids in a week of intensive fun, learning, friendship, and worship for one week every summer. Our church building is transformed according to the theme for the year to create a setting for adventure!
VBS is held on weekday mornings, with an option of aftercare in the afternoons. There are ways for all ages to be involved. Visitors and friends are welcome!
Registration is Open! VBS June 2-6, 2025 Find more details and register at this link
To get announcements, contact Deacon Mary Houck