Adults at Redeemer
Adults bring their varied life, faith and professional experiences to the work of the church. Whether as elected members of Congregation Council, Ministry Team leaders and members, Sunday School teachers, Ushers, Altar Guild members or countless other volunteer roles, adults provide the lay leadership required for Redeemer to live out its values. There’s always work to be done, but there is fellowship, service, and faith development along the way.

Study and Social Groups for Adults
Study Groups & Classes
In addition to seasonal book study groups like the Lenten Book Study, Redeemer has multiple regular study groups and classes for adults. Due to COVID-19, certain groups may not be meeting so please check the calendar under “This Week“.
- Adult Bible Study, Tuesdays at 7:30 am
- Early Bird Bible Study, Wednesdays at 4 pm
- Pastor’s Class led by the Senior Pastor, Wednesdays at 6 pm
- Beyond Words book study, Wednesdays at 6 pm (not currently meeting)
- Rotating Adult Sunday School classes, Sundays at 10:00 am
- Be Still and Journey Bible Study, Sundays at 10:00 am
Fellowship and Service Groups
Redeemer has a number of groups oriented around common interests such as:
- Faithful Hands, who knit and crochet
- Quilters who make quilts for Lutheran World Relief
- Redeemer Gardeners
- Redeemer Bloomers
- Northside Circle (WELCA)
- Sisters of the Good Shepherd (WELCA)
Musical Groups:
Redeemer is blessed with talented vocalists and musicians who share their gifts:
- Chancel Choir
- King’s Men
- Canticum Novum
- Handbell Choir
- Brass Ensemble
Service Opportunities for Adults
There are many opportunities to serve in the community throughout the year. Here are just a view ideas:
- Be a worship volunteer: Greeter, usher, teller, lector, Altar Guild, or Wedding Guild.
- Teach Children’s Sunday School, be a Confirmation leader, or teach an Adult class.
- Work on Redeemer’s annual Habitat for Humanity Build in late summer/early fall.
- Serve at the Lutheran Community Food Ministry at Redeemer.
- Volunteer at the Midtown Assistance Center, Our House, or Goshen Valley.
- Get involved with anti-sex trafficking advocacy with Redeeming GRACE and Wellspring Living.
- Join the Quilters in making quilts for Lutheran World Relief or join Faithful Hands and knit or crochet scarves for the Lutheran Community Food Ministry.
- Join the Prayer Ministry Team and pray for those who have requested prayer and/or write notes of encouragement.
Guest Preacher and Speaker Events
Redeemer regularly invites scholars, theologians and community leaders to speak to and teach our congregation on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. In the past, we’ve welcomed Mark Ellingson, Walter Bruggeman, and Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson. Redeemer has also hosted numerous authors as part of our Lenten Book Studies such as Dr. Barbara Brown Taylor and Dr. Diana Butler Bass.