We are a Praying Church
Turn to God in prayer.
Prayer is the primary way we spend time with God, deepen our faith, and strengthen our relationship with God. When we turn to God in prayer, we move out of ourselves, our own thoughts and ruminations, and into God’s grace and mercy. We can take everything to God in prayer trusting that God is God and God will respond faithfully.
Redeemer offers several pathways to pray:
• Privately: Join our team of prayer warriors. Every Friday, the team receives the weekly requests to pray over however they prefer.
• Written: Write a personal note card or email praying for someone in need of encouragement. Assigments are made on a weekly basis.
• Interpersonal Intercession: Pray aloud with another person at a prayer station at our healing service held twice a year. There may be other occasions as well.
• Online: Please submit a prayer request using the form to the right.
We pray with our hands
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Each prayer shawl is knitted or crocheted with prayerful stitches. When they are gifted to someone who is hurting or in need of a special blessing, that person becomes wrapped in the prayers of our community. When the yarn is received and members of Faithful Hands begin creating the prayer shawls, they are encouraged to pray and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Though they don’t know who will receive their creation, they ask the Lord to bless, heal, anoint and guide the recipient.
Since 2004, over 200 shawls have been created and gifted through Redeemer’s Prayer Shawl Ministry!
Redeemer’s Faithful Hands always welcome new members to the group. You may pick up yarn and work on the shawl at home or knit or crochet together every third Thursday of the month from 4:30-6 pm. Contact Gayle Morgan via the directory in Realm to get involved with this ministry.
And with our feet

A labyrinth is a contemplative, spiritual tool. Some think of it as a walking meditation or a path of prayer. Redeemer has a canvas Santa Rosa Labyrinth which is placed in Rudisill Hall periodically throughout the year. Learn more about Redeemer’s Labyrinth HERE.
You may also visit the outdoor labyrinth at Lutheranch Retreat Center in Tallapoosa, GA.