Daily Devotion for June 19th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
from Stephanie Hart - I find myself thinking about change a lot these days. This year started off well enough, and along came COVID-19 and all of the changes involved [...]
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Daily Devotion for June 18th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
By Cathy Vogel - While others may struggle to deal with the new realities of living in quarantine, we were fully prepared for what the last three months have brought. [...]
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Daily Devotion for June 17th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
from Pastor Tom Kenney - These words were spoken by Jesus to his disciples. He has called the 12 to follow, and eventually, to "Go and make disciples." Soon after [...]
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Daily Devotion for June 16th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
By Tim Eastling - When I was young I heard a missionary named Ruth Stuhl speak of once seeing a magnificent tapestry of the Oregon Trail. When she looked at [...]
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Daily Devotion for June 14th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
from Karen Boda - The retired pastor of one of the huge Buckhead congregations lived next door to the church in their parsonage. He told me that when he first [...]
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Daily Devotion for June 13th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
from Heather C. Russell - The word that stands out for me in this Bible Verse is "boldly.” I learned the term "Holy Boldness" from my dear friend Celestine. On [...]
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Daily Devotion for June 12th: Where have you seen resurrection, new life or hope?
from Susan Cordell - Resurrection stories appear in unexpected places. Can you believe I had one pop up in my recipe box this week? Sheltering in place is challenging, especially [...]
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