By Tim Eastling - When I was young I heard a missionary named Ruth Stuhl speak of once seeing a magnificent tapestry of the Oregon Trail. When she looked at the back of the tapestry she saw tangles, knots, and [...]
Read On from Karen Boda - The retired pastor of one of the huge Buckhead congregations lived next door to the church in their parsonage. He told me that when he first arrived, the congregation arranged to take care of his lawn. [...]
Read On from Heather C. Russell - The word that stands out for me in this Bible Verse is "boldly.” I learned the term "Holy Boldness" from my dear friend Celestine. On our drives to her church for the past seven years [...]
Read On from Susan Cordell - Resurrection stories appear in unexpected places. Can you believe I had one pop up in my recipe box this week? Sheltering in place is challenging, especially when you’ve cooked and baked everything you can think of.
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