By Cathy Vogel - While others may struggle to deal with the new realities of living in quarantine, we were fully prepared for what the last three months have brought. Our marriage vows of “in sickness and in health” have [...]
Read On from Pastor Tom Kenney - These words were spoken by Jesus to his disciples. He has called the 12 to follow, and eventually, to "Go and make disciples." Soon after this promise, John The Baptist is slain by the cruel [...]
Read On By Tim Eastling - When I was young I heard a missionary named Ruth Stuhl speak of once seeing a magnificent tapestry of the Oregon Trail. When she looked at the back of the tapestry she saw tangles, knots, and [...]
Read On from Karen Boda - The retired pastor of one of the huge Buckhead congregations lived next door to the church in their parsonage. He told me that when he first arrived, the congregation arranged to take care of his lawn. [...]
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