Book Studies

Book Studies at Redeemer

We talk about books here.

Book Discussion with Pr Jonathan

This weekly online book study is open to anyone who is interested. If you have any questions, please email Pr Jonathan.

Pastor's Class with Pr Mark

On Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., Pastor Mark leads a discussion on various subjects in the Pastor’s Class. Visit the weekly calendar for the latest.

Previous Lenten Book Studies

For over a decade, Redeemer has engaged in a congregation-wide book study in small groups during Lent. Some of the more recent selections were:

  • 2024: Baptism: A User’s Guide by Martin Marty
  • 2023: Entering the Passion of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine
  • 2022: Life Unsettled: A Scriptural Journey for Wilderness Times by the Rev. Dr. Cory Driver
  • 2021: The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong by Karen Gonzalez
  • 2020: Kneeling with Giants by Gary Neal Hansen
  • 2019: Grateful by Diana Butler Bass
  • 2018: Baptized for this Moment by Stephen Paul Bouman
  • 2017: Martin Luther and the Called Life by Mark D. Tranvik
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