Worship With Us


Join us for Sunday worship online or in person at one of these services

9:00 AM


Worship with music featuring
the Redeemer Jazz Trio

11:00 AM


Traditional worship with music featuring
the organ and choir

German Church Atlanta

Redeemer is also host to the German Church Atlanta. The German Church is an ecumenical Christian Church community that shares the German language, music and culture and is open to all who want to participate.

We heartily invite you to our worship service in German (with English translation) every Sunday at 11:00 am in the Chapel on the second floor or via Livestream.

Adult Education, Sunday School and Youth Connections

Our learning model is currently hybrid with many of our classes offered in person and via Zoom at the same time. 

Adult Sunday School @ 10:00 am, Confirmation and High School @ 10:00 am and Children @ 10:15am

Adult classes all meet for about 45 minutes of learning and fellowship.

We encourage worshiping together as a family

Children are always welcome in worship at Redeemer – even online. Each Sunday worship service includes a Children’s Message from one of the Redeemer pastors. Children are encouraged to join the pastor on the chancel steps for the Message. If your family is worshipping online, gather around your screen as a family and continue the faith practice of worshiping together.

The Nursery is open on Sundays from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm for children who are 4 and under.

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